Rob Elbon truly cares about the people of Randolph County and he is uniquely qualified to continue to serve as Sheriff in Randolph County, WV. He has dedicated his entire life and professional career to serving the public – especially the people of Randolph County, West Virginia. He has passionately protected and pursued advancing the interests of his family, friends, and neighbors for most of his life, first as a volunteer firefighter and more recently in various law enforcement and judicial fields in Randolph County and throughout the nation as an Intermittent Deputy United States Marshal. He is highly qualified, a principled leader – and committed to taking an active role in keeping Randolph County strong.

Rob's Priorities Include:

  • Enhancing Safety
  • Pursuing Drug Traffickers
  • Addressing Homelessness
  • Promoting Education
  • A Deputy in Every School
  • D.A.R.E. Program
  • 24-Hour Protection


Many of our neighborhoods have experienced a surge in crime. Rob Elbon plans to take to the streets – and take them back. As Sheriff, his goal is to restore safety to homes and neighborhoods throughout Randolph County by bringing service back to our local communities.

Drug Trafficking

The Opioid Crisis has destroyed lives and torn families apart, leaving a trail of destruction through the County. Rob actively fights to protect all of our citizens from opiates and other dangerous drugs by relentlessly pursuing drug traffickers wherever they hide.


Unfortunately, homelessness is becoming a serious issue in Randolph County on privately-owned land. Tent encampments are also affecting local tourism and creating a public health hazard. Rob plans to address homelessness as part of his overall plan to Keep Randolph County Strong.


Educating the children about drug-free lifestyle alternatives is a priority for Rob. As Sheriff, he will continue promoting his anti-drug and anti-bullying message throughout Randolph County.

Direct In-School Monitoring and Surveillance

Rob will assign a deputy to every school in Randolph County. The deputy will be directed to develop a relationship with each child by talking with them and sitting with them at lunchtime while collecting information from the children, as well as support staff, teachers, and the principal of each school, several times each month. This comprehensive in-school surveillance and safety monitoring program will enable our law enforcement officers to rapidly identify any potential matters affecting a particular school or issues involving certain students, as well as any general concerns.

New D.A.R.E. Program Expansion

Additional funding will be pursued to expand access to the new and improved Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.). The updated curriculum of this federally-funded program is designed to deliver information to children as young as 5 about depression, vaping, and the misuse of opioids, over-the-counter and prescription drugs, in addition to the classic program (which helps children learn more about prohibited street drugs, gang membership, and violent behavior). The children will gain decision-making skills to help them avoid these pitfalls.

24-Hour Protection – Expanded Sheriff Department

Looking forward, Rob’s goal is to continue to bring service to Randolph County and expand the Sheriff’s Department to include 20 deputies. This additional manpower will enable us to provide effective 24-hour law enforcement coverage for citizens throughout Randolph County.

Rob Elbon's Position on the Issues Facing Randolph County

Rob Elbon has a solid plan to Keep Randolph County Strong. His goal is to continue to work as he has for the past four years to undo the damage that has been done to our citizens and our communities.

“We have excellent deputies in Randolph County. I have a plan to bring all of our forces together to take back the County from the ground up – for the future of ALL of our people. We will take it back.”

-Rob Elbon

For Families and Children

We WILL take back our communities in Randolph County. We will take the County back for the families with young children who deserve to play outside without the danger of falling on a needle full of poison. The children deserve to run free and play without the risk of being confronted by those whose mental state may pose a danger to their safety.

For Business Owners & Workers

We will take Randolph County back for the business owners and hard working men and women of our communities who give so much to make our area prosperous, yet are seeing their hard work lost to the effects of opiate addiction through no fault of their own.

For Families Affected by Addiction

We will take Randolph County back and bring hope to the children who know nothing more than the unsustainable lifestyle of drug trafficking and abuse. We will help the struggling addict desperate to his self-control, his family, and his life. We will restore a sense of community to the grieving families whose loved ones have been lost to the opioid crisis.

ALL lives have meaning – and Rob Elbon is not giving up. He will Keep Randolph County Strong. Will you join him?

Vote for Rob Elbon for Randolph County Sheriff on November 5th, 2024.